Admissions Arrangements
Open Morning
Applications for 2025
For children starting school in September 2025 applications for Reception year will open on 5 November 2024 and close on 15 January 2025.
To book onto one of the open mornings, please email us via providing the following:
- Name of those who will be attending
- Number of places required
- Date of event you would like to attend
- Any other email address you wish us to use for future communication
We will acknowledge receipt of your request within 48 hours, and we all look forward to meeting you soon!
Hadlow Primary School is for children aged between four and eleven years. We will be pleased to make arrangements for you to visit the school and to discuss your child’s education.
Children are admitted to the school in the Autumn Term of the academic year in which they have their fifth birthday. Parents should complete an application form and provide proof of the date of birth. The Head of School will then contact parents during the term before the child starts school. A supportive and nurturing induction programme is in place to ensure pupils have a positive start to school. This includes home and garden visits by the teaching team, parents' meetings and a gradual introduction of children to school life.
At Hadlow Primary School we aim to make the transition from home to school as easy as possible for parents and children. All parents have an opportunity to meet their child’s teacher before the child starts school.
For all admissions we follow Kent County Council policy and apply their admission criteria. Full details are available from the school office. In common with all Kent Schools, we have a policy of ‘early admission’. This means that we offer a place in our Reception class at the start of the academic year in which a child attains the age of five.
Our ‘PAN’ (Pupil Admission Number) is 30 and this means that we can admit up to 30 children in Year R.
If there are more children than places, the allocation of places will be according to the following Over-subscription Criteria:
Looked after children |
Children with a statement where the statement names a specific school |
Siblings already in the school |
Children of staff employed at the school |
Nearness of children’s homes / ease of access |
If you are moving into the area and would like to enrol your child at the school, our only restriction is the availability of places.
Admissions Policy
The school aims to maintain classes at a reasonable size and it is therefore necessary to apply a formal admissions policy. When places are limited the following priorities are given -
- Parental wishes
- Siblings already at the school
- Health reasons
- Nearness to school
In Year Admissions
In Year Casual Admissions are admissions which take place outside of the normal entry to school. From 1st September 2013 the Local Authority will no longer co-ordinate In Year applications and parents will apply directly to schools.
The Local Authority has produced a new Single In Year Application Form (IYAF) for applying for an In Year place. On one side parents fill in their details and the back of the form explains the process and informs parents of all their legal rights. Parents return the form to the school and should complete a separate form for each school they want to apply for.
If the school has a place your child is eligible for and no other child has a higher priority, the school must offer it to you (unless your child has been permanently excluded from more than 2 schools; please contact the Admissions Team if this applies to you).
If your child is turned down for a place at the school you apply for, you have the legal right to appeal against the refusal of a place. Appeals should be made in writing to the school’s admission authority.
You can also request to join the school’s waiting list if they have one. The school will let you know how to make an appeal or join the waiting list when they tell you the outcome of your application. You can find more information about appealing at
The school must provide you with a formal offer or refusal letter. You may wish to keep notes of dates and times of conversations as well as names of contacts at the school. Under normal circumstances, a school should inform you of the outcome of your application within 5 school days
Every applicant will be given either an offer or refusal letter to explain the outcome of their application. Each application will be processed based on the over-subscription criteria above. This is also the case for offers made from the waiting list.
Applications cannot be made verbally or via different forms. Please click the link below for a copy of the form.
If a place is available
1 | Parents send IYAF |
2 | School produces offer letter and sends to parents within 5 school days |
3 | Parents accept or refuse the place within 10 school days. Refusal should be given in writing |
4 | If a place is accepted the child should start as soon as possible |
5 | If a child does not arrive, CME processes are initiated by the school |
If a place is not available
1 | Parents send IYAF |
2 | School produces a refusal letter and sends to parents within 5 school days |
3 | School waits for 5 school days to see if parents request to join the waiting list and sends completed IYAF to LA |
Our EYFS Environment
Kent County Council - Links to education and learning page.
Kent County Council - Links directly to school admissions page.