Intent: What is our Music curriculum vision?
Our overarching aim is to ensure that our children enjoy music and feel musical. At Hadlow Primary School we want to develop a life-long love of music, both across genres and throughout history. Our curriculum is designed to introduce children to a wide and diverse selection of music, across different countries and cultures; zooming back through the decades and centuries and using technology to enhance our compositions. With focus on skills, knowledge and understanding we build confident performers, composers and listeners.
As children move through the school they revisit and develop their skills in singing, playing tuned and untuned instruments, improvising and composing, and listening and responding to music. Our music curriculum also promotes cross curricular links and helps to develop transferable skills: team work, leadership, creative thinking, problem solving and performance skills. These focus areas are vital to child development, Music can help to enhance so many different aspects of learning and the wider application is limitless, we aim to develop musical learners and rounded, confident individuals.
"Music is fun! I have a great time performing, sometimes we have technical difficulties, but we always work together as a team!" Artem (Cherry Class)
Choir, i Rock and Instrument Music Lessons:
"Choir is great fun and it can also be relaxing, I love singing together and singing different parts. We sing lots of different types of music and we get to perform lots. At the moment my favourite song is Pompeii by Bastille." Tilly (Oak Class)
"Performing is an amazing experience, it is also inspirational to watch and listen to others perform - we learn a lot from each other!" Ethan (Chestnut Class)
Enjoying Music in EYFS and KS1:
Year 1 songs

"i Rock is so much fun - I really loved performing in our concert! We learn our songs and spent lots of different session practising to gain skills and confidence, then we performed to KS1 and the parents! Please sign up to i Rock if you are interested, come and join the fun!" Ellie (Maple Class)
"Playing the harp is amazing, it is a lovely instrument to learn and I have made lots of progress since I started 2 years ago. I really enjoy performing for the school and I will be taking my Grade 1 very soon!" Ella (Rowan Class)
Enjoying Music in KS2:
Implementation: What does Music teaching and learning look like across the school?
- Each lesson begins with singing and/or rhythm pattern activities
- We progressively build musicianship and appreciation by developing knowledge and skills through: listening, analysing, composing, evaluating and performing
- The key components of music are embedded, and extended, in each year group
- Pitch
- Dynamics
- Tempo
- Texture
- Structure
- Timbre
- Through explore a wide range of different genres of music, composers and performers/musicians linking across different periods in history and deepening our cross curricular learning
- Every Wednesday morning the whole school comes together and we hold either a whole school Music or Singing Assembly - this allows further opportunities to listen, appreciate and perform - this also gives us a great sense of community by singing and performing together
By the time children leave Hadlow Primary School, they will be able to demonstrate that they:
are engaged and excited by our music curriculum. The skills that they are taught equip them to appreciate music throughout their lives
are becoming confident performers, composers and listeners, who are able to express themselves musically
can show an appreciation and respect for a range of music from a variety of genres across a variety of generations
demonstrate and express their enthusiasm for music
have made progress throughout the music curriculum which enables them to meet age-related expectations for the end of the key-stage
Throughout their learning, pupils will be assessed against lesson objectives through a variety of creative practical or performing activities, quizzes, visual presentations or reflections on their appreciation of musical genres.