School Uniform
School Uniform
Wearing school uniform promotes a sense of identity and belonging to a community and gives pupils a shared pride in their school.
Pupils are required to wear the school uniform and to be neat and tidy.
Bespoke, Hadlow uniform items are stocked by Monkhouse only. These can be purchased online and in store. All other items should be easily accessible at local supermarkets or clothes stores.
Tunbridge Wells
64 Calverley Road,
Tunbridge Wells,
Telephone: 01892 481956
Email address:
Option 1
Mid grey shorts or trousers (formal- not cargo style)
White shirt or blouse (long or short sleeved)
Blue Hadlow v-neck jumper or cardigan
Blue and yellow school tie
Mid grey or black socks
Option 2
Tartan pinafore dress, kilt or pleated skirt
White shirt or blouse (long or short sleeved)
Blue Hadlow jumper or cardigan
School tie (not to be worn with pinafore)
Mid grey or black tights
Option 3 (Terms 4, 5 and 6 only)
Blue and white gingham checked dress
Blue Hadlow jumper or cardigan (weather dependent)
Black, white or grey socks
PE Kit
Named, drawstring PE bag
Plain white T-shirt
Blue or black drawstring shorts
Blue or black tracksuit bottoms
Blue or black tracksuit jumper (no hoodies)
Black or white trainers or plimsolls
Shoes and Bags
- Black, sensible, flat shoes should be worn, in a style that your child can fasten themselves. If other shoes (e.g. trainers or wellingtons) are worn to school, parents must ensure that children have school shoes to change into otherwise they will be required to change into their plimsolls.
- Children should bring a blue book bag to school, preferably with the school logo. These are available from Simmonds.
Other Accessories
- Please note that all Year Six children will be gifted a special tie when they move up to Rowan Class. The Year Six tie is bespoke and available through Simmonds.
- The only jewellery items that may be worn are small, plain gold or silver studs or agreed items of religious significance. All jewellery must be removed on PE days.
- A sensibly-sized watch may be worn, but no smart watches permitted.
- No nail varnish or make up is to be worn.
- Temporary tattoos (including henna) should wherever possible be removed or in exceptional circumstances covered up.
- Charity wristbands and/ or accessories may be worn during the designated week
Hair Styles and Accessories
- Long hair (past the shoulder) should be tied back using plain hairbands or plain hair bows (no larger than 8cm) in school colours.
- Hair should be a natural colour and any hair colours used for special occasions during term time must be wash-in/wash-out colours.
- Hairstyles incorporating shaved patterns or excessive use of styling products are not considered appropriate for school.
Breaches of Policy
It is recognised that occasional breaches of policy may be unavoidable. If this is the case, parents must send in a note, email the class account or speak to a teacher in person to explain the reason for the temporary breach. In these circumstances, the child will be loaned school uniform items for the duration of the school day.
When children do not wear school uniform including wearing plain black shoes and no contact has been made with the school, we will telephone home and ask parents to bring the correct school uniform into school for their child. If this is not possible, the child will be loaned school uniform items for the duration of the school day. Pupils will not be allowed to wear the non-uniform items.
Persistent breaches will be followed up by the Head of School, who will write to or meet with parents to discuss the reasons for the breach. Support will be offered where applicable. The Head of School has the final say on what constitutes acceptable uniform and has the right to waive temporarily any part of this policy (with the exception of the application of the complaints policy) if he/she determines that exceptional circumstances apply. Any temporary waivers will be issued by email or in writing with a stated end date, and may be issued for individuals or the whole school as appropriate. Any complaints arising as a result of this policy will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Complaints Policy.