We aim to meet the needs of all children and recognise that some will experience difficulties with learning at various times. Children’s needs vary considerably and we endeavour to identify these as early as possible so that appropriate support can be provided for each child.
At Hadlow Primary School we can make provision for every kind of frequently occurring special educational need without a statement of special educational needs / Education, Health and Care Plan, for instance dyslexia, dyspraxia, speech and language needs, autism, Asperger’s syndrome, learning difficulties and behaviour difficulties. We may also be able to access training to enable us to offer support for other special educational needs.
The school also meets the needs of some pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan or Statement of Special Educational Need. Decisions on the admission of such pupils are made by the Local Authority, in accordance with parental wishes.
At Hadlow Primary School we monitor the progress of all pupils three times a year to review their academic progress.
Some pupils may make limited progress, despite high-quality teaching targeted at their areas of weakness. For these pupils, in consultation with parents, we will create an individual plan to support their needs and help them to close the gaps in their learning.
Where appropriate, children may need further assessment by agencies specialising in their particular needs, for learning, well-being, social interaction, speech and language development, physical development or behaviour. Parents are involved in discussions about any concerns and share in planning for next steps at every stage.
Further information regarding the provision for young people with SEND within Kent can be found as part of the Local Offer at
Kent's SEND Strategy
SEND Information Report 24-25
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
Kent Education Psychology Service wellbeing offer
From this week, The Kent Education Psychology Service are offering free 30-minute consultations for parents to seek guidance on their child's wellbeing and learning.