Ofsted Report
Hadlow Primary School were inspected under the new Ofsted framework on Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd October 2019. This was a Section 8 Inspection for schools considered, by Ofsted, to be good. During the visit, the inspector spent a lot of time in the classrooms, meeting children, meeting with staff and delving deeper into particular subjects. All primary schools now have reading and maths closely scrutinised along with safeguarding. We also had our geography provision looked at in detail. We were very pleased with the outcome of the inspection and, as expected, we remain a very good school. Please take time to read the report – which highlights the many strengths of Hadlow Primary School.
Parent View
Parent View allows you to give your opinion to Ofsted by registering at the Parent View website and answering questions about the school. It only takes a few minutes and the feedback received helps the school to plan for the future.
Link to report on Ofsted website Give your views on Parent View
What Ofsted say about us...
'The school is a happy and safe place, confirmed by the parents, staff and pupils I spoke with. All staff are united in having high expectations for pupils’ learning. They are committed to making sure that every pupil can achieve their best.'
'Pupils enjoy coming to school. Everyone I talked to is proud to be part of the school community. One parent expressed the views of many when they said, ‘Hadlow is a great place where children can build their confidence and have a happy, varied and interesting education.’
'On the playground, pupils play happily together, taking responsibility for the play equipment and taking turns.'
'Leaders make reading a high priority because they believe it is the key to learning.'
'Pupils enjoy mathematics. Lessons are very well organised by staff so that pupils’ learning builds on previous knowledge and skills. Pupils particularly enjoy showing their understanding through completing puzzles and challenges.'
'Staff are committed to preparing pupils to be responsible future citizens. Through the school’s connections with the community, and the wide range of clubs available in school, all pupils have the chance to get involved and try something new.'
'Staff place the highest priority on keeping pupils safe.'
'Pupils understand that they are expected to behave well. They concentrate well in class, paying attention to adults and listening to others.'