In accordance with the national curriculum, our intention at Hadlow Primary School is to:-
- Communicate our passion for language, and encourage an appreciation of the etymology and morphology of our home language.
- Provide an introduction to the culture of French-speaking countries and communities, and, as global citizens in an increasingly accessible world, to explore and celebrate other cultures.
- Foster pupils’ curiosity, extend their understanding of the world and tolerance of all cultures, and ensure that the ambitious language-learning opportunities we provide are not limited by ability.
- Enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language, to understand, interact and communicate with others (both verbally and in writing), and to gradually build on skills learned.
- Provide opportunities for pupils to communicate for practical purposes, and to improve the quality of their pronunciation and intonation.
- Elicit a love of French and language-learning, and to show our pupils that learning a language can be fun.
- Link, where possible, with other curriculum subjects to provide cross-curriculuar opportunities to illustrate that learning a language is more beneficial and richer when learned in collaboration with other subjects.
- Provide a foundation for learning further languages, to facilitate the possibility of study and work in other countries.
(In Lower KS2, children acquire basic skills and understanding of French with a strong emphasis placed on developing their Speaking and Listening skills. These will be embedded and further developed in Upper KS2, alongside Reading and Writing, gradually progressing onto more complex language concepts and greater learner autonomy.)
Modern Foreign Languages is taught in KS2.
Our School's language is French and we teach this from the Kapow curriculum.
Topics covered include:
- Simple greetings (bonjour, au revoir)
- Basic conversation (what is your name? How old are you? Are you ok? Yes, No etc)
- Numbers from 1- 50
- Birthdays, Christmas,
- Months of the year and days of the week
- Body parts
- Colours
- Animals
- Travel
- Weather
French in year 4
French in year 4
Year 4 have been really enjoying their French! We have been learning through songs, games and other interactive activities. Topics we have covered so far are:
- Our favourite sports
- Days of the week
- Months of the year
- Our birthdays
- The weather
- Numbers
- Ordering in a cafe
The Kapow scheme of work enables us to ensure that National Curriculum targets are met during our weekly, half-hour French lessons. This scheme is a spiral curriculum, meaning that key skills and vocabulary are repeatedly revisited with increasing complexity, enabling pupils to review and build on previous learning.
Cross-curricular links are included throughout, ensuring that children are encouraged to make connections and to apply their language skills and knowledge to other areas of their learning. Our resources have been curated to reinforce learning, and to make learning memorable and fun.
Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies, such as: role play, language games, songs and language work, from independent, paired and group tasks.
Pronunciation is emphasised, alongside an understanding of French grammar and key vocabulary.
Differentiated guidance provides inclusive learning opportunities for pupils of all abilities, and we encourage the inclusion of French, commencing with greetings, date and school dinner register, at Key Stage 1 level, although implementation of the National Curriculum formally commences in Key Stage 2.
French - Year 5
The impact of this scheme is monitored continuously through both formative and summative assessment.
Pupils should leave Hadlow Primary School equipped with a range of language learning skills to enable them to confidently study a foreign language at Key Stage 3 level.
Furthermore, we aim to ensure that our pupils are culturally enriched, and foster curiosity which will, we hope, equip them with a lifelong love of language learning.