Pastoral Care
FLO Newsletters
All our staff share in the care of every child. The Class Teacher has specific responsibility for the needs, well-being and happiness of the children in their charge. The Head, FLO, SENCO or a delegated teacher is always available if needed.
If your child becomes ill or has an accident during school hours, we will contact you.
It is vital, therefore, that we have an up to date emergency contact number. We have qualified First Aiders on duty throughout the day. If we feel that your child should go home we will ask you to come and collect them.
If there is a serious injury or illness and we are unable to contact you, your child will be taken to a doctor by the Head of School or other designated person or will be accompanied to hospital in an ambulance. We will continue to try to contact you to ensure you may reach your child as soon as possible. Fortunately, such occurrences are very rare.
Please advise the Class Teacher by letter or email if you have to take your child for a dental, hospital or other medical appointment in school time. You are also required to notify us when your child is ill and unable to come to school - please telephone the office on the first day of absence and on any subsequent days, then send a letter on your child’s return to school.
Please advise us of any unusual or disturbing occurrence at home that might distress your child. Any matters of concern may be discussed with the Head of School or Class Teacher. Please remember that what may appear trivial to an adult may be of anxiety to a child, so we are always willing to listen sympathetically and in confidence.
Medicines in School
Children should never be sent to school with any tablets, medicines or any other kind of medication, with the exception of inhalers for the treatment of asthma.
We are willing to administer doses of medication to your child. A signed form should be completed at the school office to give permission for any medicine to be administered during school hours. The medicine will be stored in the school office for safekeeping. Medicines must be clearly labelled with contents, owners name and dosage. Please do not send more than necessary whenever possible.