How is money raised?
We also aim to hold a couple of big events each school year – for example, a Christmas Fair
in the winter, a Summer Fair and a May Fair
Other more regular PTA events may include...
School uniform sales
School disco
Cake Sale
Dress-up days
Dance with Be Sharp band
Pamper evening
How can you help with fundraising?
All parents/carers/grand-parents are welcome to help with fundraising!
We always need lots of donations for cake sales, so get baking or get a cake shop to donate some goodies. For the Christmas and Summer Fairs we need donations of bric-a-brac, DVD's, computer games, good quality household items.
Maybe you're great at encouraging support from local businesses....every little helps. Some suggested ideas:
Voucher from a local health club, hairdresser, beauty salon
Voucher for a free meal at a restaurant
Encourage a hotel to offer a free weekend stay
A supermarket to donate some food and drinks
A department store to donate some gift vouchers
Unwanted goodies such as computer games and games consoles
So get creative! If we don't ask, we don't get, so don't be shy about asking around for donations.