Community Links
The school has strong links with the community and regularly participates in activities involving village organisations.
St. Mary’s Church
The vicar and other members of St Mary’s Church take a weekly assembly and support the school in many ways. The school holds their Carol Service in church and the school choir sings at special church festivals. Children also visit the church as part of their RE curriculum.
Hadlow College
The college has supported the school in developing and building its’ environmental area. Pupils visit the farm to learn about animals and the environment.
Nurseries and Pre-School
The close links with our feeder playgroups and nurseries develops a greater understanding and means the transition to school for pupils is a positive experience.
Parish Council
The headteacher regularly attends the Parish Council AGM providing a report of the school’s developments. The Parish Council consult with the School Council over relevant matters such as equipment they would like to have in the village playground.
Other Village Events
The School is keen to promote strong links with the community believing it builds better relations, community spirit and a mutual respect and understanding of each other.